授權轉載 Engoo 線上英文

表達意見不是只有 YES 和 NO!用英文表達認同、否定和意見,你可以這樣說

在英文中,表示同意的方式有很多,基本上分成 4 種表達的邏輯:
- Yeah, that's just it.
- Fair enough.
- Yes, of course.
- No doubt about it.
- That's (so/completely/absolutely/undeniably) true.
- You're (completely/totally/absolutely) right.
- You have a point there.
- You've made a good point.
- That's a really good point.
- I (completely/really/totally/absolutely/honestly/truly) agree with you (on that).
- I couldn't agree more.
- I see what you mean and I (must) agree with you.
- I really think/believe so, too.
- I have no objection whatsoever.
- I have come to the same conclusion.
- I hold the same opinion.
- I see it that way, too.
- I share your opinion/view.
- We are of one mind (on…)
- We are of the same mind (on…)
- I was just going to say that.
- I agree with you up to a point, but…
- I see what you mean, but…
- That idea is OK, but…
- I understand that, but…
- I'm afraid…
- I'm sorry but…
- You may be right, but…
- That might be true, but…
- I think otherwise.
- I take a different view.
- I beg to differ/disagree.
- I don't agree with you on that/what you say.
- I don't think you're right.
- I don't share your view.
- I believe your argument doesn't hold water(站不住腳).
- I'm not sure I agree with you.
- That doesn't make much sense to me.
- That's not always the case.
- That's not always/necessarily true.
一、我覺得…:I/It + 動詞
- I think/consider/find/feel/believe/suppose/presume/assume that…
- I guess that…
- I bet that…
- I gather that
- I would say that…
- I have the feeling that…
- I have no doubt that…
- I am of the opinion that…
- I hold the opinion/view that…
- I take the view that…
- I am under the impression…
- I am sure/certain that…
- It goes without saying that…
- It seems to me that…
- It is my impression that…
二、從我的角度而言:In/From/To my…
- In my opinion,…
- In my view,…
- In my eyes,…
- From my point of view,…
- From my viewpoint,…
- To my mind,…
- To be honest,…
- My opinion/view/belief/impression is that…
- My own feeling on the subject is that…
- My personal view is that…
- As far as I'm concerned,…
- As for me/As to me…
- As I see it…
- The way I see it…
- Personally speaking,…
大家發現了嗎?在表示意見時,會有一些特別常用的單字,例如:view、point、impression 等字眼反覆出現,熟悉這些單字,再將他以自己喜歡的方式排列組合,就可以有屬於你自己說話風格的說法囉!
(本文出自 Engoo 線上英文)